Wednesday 8 March 2017

9. Fundamentals2

Tilde sign (~)  : this is used to escape special characters.  Used mostly  in modifying datawindow.
     Ex.dw_1.Modify("DataWindow.Table.update = ~"table1~"");

groupcalc() :Use GroupCalc to force the DataWindow object to recalculate the breaks in the grouping levels after you have added or modified rows in a DataWindow. I came across it when i had to reevaluate the grouped values of the datawindow on particular operation of filtering when datawindow is in hiddden state. 
ex. dw_1.groupcalc( );

SqlPreview : This event is triggered just before the datawindow query is executed on db.
  arguements passed to this event:
    -sqlsyntax :Query used in datawindow
   - SQLType: A number identifying the type of SQL statement being sent to the database.
    and so on (request, Buffer, row)

 Regeneration : when you modify an ancestor object, you can regenerate descendants so they pick up the code changes to the ancestor.

To Create Dynamic Datawindow:
SQLCA.SyntaxFromSQL(select string, presentation string, Error string)
dw_1.Create(syntax, Error string)

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