Thursday 20 October 2016

2.Getting Started

To Get Started, We need a Workspace. The workspace is where you build, edit, debug, and run PowerBuilder targets. Workspace File (.pbw) lists all the target files and contents of your project. For one project, We need one workspace. 
This is similar to Solution(.sln) file in c#. 

After this, We need to create target (.pbt)  which is the application to be created. With this  a default library(.pbl) is created.  Libraries(.pbl) in powerbuilder is similar to .proj files in C#.  We can create multiple libraries within a single application .Having different libraries for intended purpose help in reusability and modularity .

The Application has the open() Event fired when the application starts to Run. Here we need to specify the window to open when the application starts. Also , Database connection can be configured here using  SQLCA and closed  in close() event.

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